Mahmoud Khaled
Mahmoud Khaled is a PhD candidate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical
University of Munich (TUM), Germany, and a research assistant in the Chair of Software and Computational Systems at Ludwig-Maximilian
University of Munich, Germany. He received his B.Sc. degree (Computer and Systems Engineering, 2009) and M.Sc. degree
(Electrical Engineering, 2014) from the Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Egypt. His M.Sc. Thesis received
the Best-M.Sc.-Thesis award for the academic year 2014-2015, Minia University, Egypt.
Most of his prior work targeted efficient HW/SW implementations of embedded control systems using
various computing platforms. His current research spans:
Automated synthesis of correct-by-construction software for safety-critical systems;
Formal verification of Cyber-Physical Systems (embedded control systems, real-time systems, and networked systems); and
GPGPU- and HW-based acceleration/implementations of the above.
pFaces/OmegaThreads: A tool for automated controller synthesis from omega-regular objectives.
pFaces/iXplore: A tool for input-based state-space exploration.
pFaces/AMYTISS: A tool for parallel automated controller synthesis for large-scale stochastic systems.
pFaces/PIRK: A tool for parallel computation of interval over-approximations to reachable sets of nonlinear control systems.
pFaces/SymbolicControl (Closed-source, access-by-request): A tool for parallel abstraction-based controller synthesis for general non-linear systems.
pFaces: An acceleration ecosystem for formal method techniques.
SENSE: A tool for abstraction and symbolic-controller-synthesis of networked control systems.
BDD2Implement: A tool for HW/SW code-generation to implement BDD-based symbolic controllers.
SCOTS (Maintenance only): A tool to automated controller synthesize for nonlinear systems.
SCOTS-ready: A fork from SCOTS with all dependencies included. Easier to work with for beginners.
Jemdoc-ready: A ready-to-use Jemdoc website template for research groups.
EP3633468A1: M. Khaled and M. Zamani. Distributed Automated Synthesis Of Correct-by-construction Controllers. European Patent Office (EPO). April 2020. Patent, EPO Publication.
WO2020070206: M. Khaled and M. Zamani. Distributed Automated Synthesis Of Correct-by-construction Controllers. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). April 2020. Patent, WIPO Publication
Journal Papers
M. Khaled, K. Zhang, and M. Zamani. Output-Feedback Symbolic Control. Submitted for publication. Preprint
M. Khaled and M. Zamani. Cloud-ready Acceleration of Formal Method Techniques for Cyber-physical Systems. IEEE Design and Test , (Accepted, to appear).
M. Zamani, M. Mazo Jr, M. Khaled, and A. Abate. Symbolic models for networked control systems. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1622-1634, Dec. 2018.
A. A. Elbaset, H. Ali, M. A. Sattar, and M. Khaled. A modified P&O MPPT Algorithm for PV Systems with Implementation on an Embedded Microcontroller. IET Renewable Power Generation, Sep. 2015.
H. A. Youness, M. Moness and M. Khaled. MPSoCs and Multicore Microcontrollers for Embedded PID Control: A Detailed Study. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.10, no.4, pp.2122-2134, Nov. 2014.
H. A. Youness, M. Moness and M. Khaled. Quad-Core MPSoC Architecture for PID-Based Embedded Control Systems. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 914-919, Dec. 2013.
Conference Papers
M. Khaled and M. Zamani. OmegaThreads: Symbolic Control from ω-regular Specifications. 24th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2021), May 19-21, 2021, Held Online.
A. Abate, H. Blom, N. Cauchi, J. Delicaris,d A. Hartmanns, M. Khaled, A. Lavaei, C. Pilch, A. Remke, S. Schupp, F. Shmarov, S. Soudjani, A. Vinod, B. Wooding, M. Zamani, P. Zuliani. ARCH-COMP20 Category Report: Stochastic Models. 7th International Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH20), Sep. 2020.
A. Lavei, M. Khaled, S. Soudjani, M. Zamani. AMYTISS: Parallelized Automated Controller Synthesis for Large-Scale Stochastic Systems. 32nd Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV), CAV 2020, in Lahiri S., Wang C. (eds). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12225. Springer, Cham., July 2020.
A. Devonport$, M. Khaled, M. Arcak, M. Zamani. PIRK: Scalable Interval Reachability Analysis for High-Dimensional Nonlinear Systems. 32nd Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV), CAV 2020, in Lahiri S., Wang C. (eds). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12225. Springer, Cham., July 2020.
M. Khaled, E. S. Kim, M. Arcak, M. Zamani. Synthesis of Symbolic Controllers: A Parallelized and Sparsity-Aware Approach. 25th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS). ETAPS 2019: 6-11 April, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
M. Khaled, and M. Zamani. pFaces: An Acceleration Ecosystem for Symbolic Control. 22nd ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2019), April 16-18, 2019, Montreal, Canada.
M. Khaled, M. Rungger, and M. Zamani. SENSE: Abstraction-Based Synthesis of Networked Control Systems. 1st International Workshop on Methods and Tools for Rigorous System Design (MeTRiD 2018), April 2018.
M. Khaled, M. Rungger, M. Zamani. Symbolic models of networked control systems: A feedback refinement relation approach. The 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Sept. 2016.
M. Moness, M. Khaled, M. Bakr, and A. Omar. PID Control of a Lab Scale Single-Rotor Helicopter System using a Multicore Microcontroller. The 16th International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology (ASAT 2016)., Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt, Volume: 16.
H. A. Youness, M. Moness and M. Khaled. Quad-Core MPSoC Architecture for PID-Based Embedded Control Systems. In proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer and Communication Devices (ICCCD 2013), Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2013.
M. Moness, H. A. Youness and M. Khaled. Direct Mapping of Digital PID Control Algorithm to a Custom FPGA-Based MPSoC. In proceedings of 8th International Conference of Electrical Engineering (ICEENG), At MTC, Cairo, Egypt, vol. EE116, April 2012.
M. Khaled and M. Zamani. OmegaThreads: Symbolic Control from ω-regular Specifications. 24th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2021). (Best Demo/Poster Award Finalist). ACM Abstract, Poster
A. Lavei, M. Khaled, S. Soudjani, M. Zamani. AMYTISS: A Parallelized Tool on Automated Controller Synthesis for Large-Scale Stochastic Systems. 23rd ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2020), Sydney, Australia April 2020. (Best Demo/Poster Award Winner). ACM Abstract, Poster, Video Talk.
M. Khaled, E. Kim, M. Arcak, M. Zamani. Synthesis of Symbolic Controllers: A Parallelized and Sparsity-Aware Approach. European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2019), Prague, Czech April 2019. Poster.
E. Kim, M. Khaled, M. Zamani, Major, Arack, Murat. Major Computational Breakthroughs in the Synthesis of Symbolic Controllers via Decomposed Algorithms. 21st ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2018), Porto, Portugal April 2018. ACM Abstract, Poster.
M. Khaled, M. Rungger, M. Zamani, Symbolic Models of Networked Control Systems. NET-CPS 2016: International Symposium on Networked Cyber-Physical Systems, Garching, Germany September 2016. Poster.
Supervised Students
2019: Georgios Lionas, M.Sc., TUM. Concept and Implementation of a Communication Protocol between Autonomous Vehicles and a Cloud-based Controller.
2019: Selim Ben Zekri, M.Sc., TUM, BMW, Implementation of a Sensor-based Worker-Assistance-System for the Automotive Prototype Production.
2019: Valentin Hiltl, M.Sc., TUM, Generation of Properties for Design Verification from an Abstract FSM Model.
2019: Yassine Hamza, M.Sc., TUM, Adaptive Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles.
2019: Rafif Hasis, M.Sc., TUM, Implementation of a Symbolic Controller using SCOTS.
2019: Feki M. Amine, B.Sc., TUM, Control of a Rotary Inverted Pendulum using Symbolic Methods.
2018: Renyan Sun, B.Sc., TUM, Symbolic Controller Synthesis for the Swing-up of a Rotary Inverted Pendulum System.
2018: Nur H. Bin Samad, B.Sc., TUM Asia, Parametric Reachability Synthesis using the tool SCOTS.
2018: Low J. H. Leon, B.Sc., TUM Asia, FPGA-Implementation of an online Symbolic Controller Synthesizer using OpenCL and the Atlas-SoC board.
2018: Gordon Guay, B.Sc., TUM Asia, Complexity Analysis of a Parallel Algorithm for Symbolic Controller Synthesis.
2018: Maha Khalifa, B.Sc., TUM, Implementation of Symbolic Controllers on FPGAs.
2017: Yue Li, B.Sc., TUM, FPGA Implementation of BDD-based Dynamic Symbolic Controllers.
Other B.Sc. Students and interns: Aneesh Dahiya (2017, DAAD intern), Subrata Dey (2017, DAAD intern), Joudi Al fehaily (2017, Universite de Nantes), Vigneshram Krishnamoorthy (2016, DAAD intern).
Awards and Honors
2020: CDC’20 International Student Support Grant.
2020: HSCC’20 Best Demo/Poster Award.
2019: ACM Travel Grant for HSCC 2019, Montreal, Canada.
2019: Intel FPGA University Grant - Terasic/Intel DE10-PRO.
2018: Amazon AWS Research Award - 15000 USD as AWS credits.
2018: ACM Travel Grant for HSCC 2018, Porto, Portugal.
2018: Xilinx FPGA Grant for F1 AWS Instances - 500 USD as AWS credits.
2017: Intel FPGA University Grant - FPGA PCIe/Embedded Acceleration Development Boards for the Implementations Lab.
2015: PhD Scholarship on the German-Egyptian Long Term Research Scholarship (GERLS) Program, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Germany.
2014: Minia University’s Best M.Sc. Thesis Award, Minia University, Egypt.
2013: Winner of Young Innovation Awards (YIA) program for innovative research projects, BG Egypt, Nahdet ElMahrousa Org, Egypt.
2009: 1st Place Award in 2009 Samsung Real Dream Award (SRDA) for Graduation Projects, Nahdet El-Mahrousa Organization and Samsung Corporation, Egypt.